Simple Gifts For You

A photo of me admiring a beautiful flower.

There are simple things that we can all do for ourselves that will show our heart, body, mind and soul thee love and appreciation it deserves.

This can be simple acts such as meditating, making yourself that smoothie you always wanted, or even putting together a cute outfit. It's doing that face mask you wanted to try or doing a movie night with yourself. These are the simple gifts that you can reward yourself with.

My simple gifts include: making myself breakfast, taking a walk outside, making smoothies, buying my favorite ice-cream, lighting a candle and more.

Take note of the little things that bring you joy and try to do them for yourself. If it's making your bed, then make your bed. Just remember that you are worthy of the energy that it takes to dedicate this gift to yourself!

My Gifts Involve Food!

The Simple Bucket List

I also have an ongoing bucket list for the simple gifts that I would like to give to myself. You can make one for yourself and have fun completing it!

Bucket List of Simple Gifts


If you're like me and still have trouble doing these little acts for yourself. Maybe a system of rewards can help.

I wrote down all the things I would love to do for myself but still have trouble doing them. Then I gave each activity a certain level of points. The harder the task is for me to do - the more points it is worth.

For example: meditating will get 3 points but making myself breakfast would get 5 points. You can put anything you want on the list and the goal can be something that you really want, whether it's a new jacket or a new hair product.