Let's Frolic!

A picture of me jumping in the air.

So, raise your hand if you hate exercising. I know I do. I've tried the abs workout, the booty workouts (which I am currently neglecting) but it's just not fun. I keep waiting for the endorphin rush. I keep waiting to feel happy, energetic and ready to seize the day. But after I exercise, all I feel is one less thing to hate about myself. Not elated and not excited.

But one day, I watched a youtube video where the girl suggested that we do exercises that we actually like. That's when the lightbulb turned on in my head. This may sound very obvious but at the time, it was completely mind-blowing to me. As I sat and thought about it, I realized there were certain exercises that I did like.

I am someone who absolutely loves dancing. If there's music, I'm jamming, tapping, shaking and grooving. I am not a professionally trained dancer. Dancing is just always something I've done when I am happy, sad, or angry. I've been in dance teams and performed on stage but my favorite part of dancing is simply dancing in my room.

Dancing is exercise. So why not do those types of exercise? After a quick search on YouTube, I found Afrobeat dances and belly dancing routines. All of which sound way more fun than doing regular ab exercises.

Try to find which physical activities you enjoy doing and incorporate it into your schedule, whether that's jumping up and down or doing your own dance moves. Just have fun and let loose!